Your reliable partner for transferring goals to results
Business plans
Once considering a new Project, we will be happy to help with estimation of its potential in terms of profitability, cash generation and return on investments.
We offer:
— Development of a financial model based on the initial data of the Customer
— Development of feasibility study or business plan
— Creation of an investment memorandum indicating the main parameters
— Adjustment of existing financial model and business plan in accordance of new inputs or based on the specific requirements of the Recipient (investor or credit institution).

Budgeting and financial controlling
  • Analysis
    Analysis of applied systems and methods of budget planning and financial control
  • Development
    Development of a budget planning and control model in accordance with business requirements
  • Implementation
    Implementation of budgeting and financial procedures and policies
  • Monitoring and control
    Monitoring and control of the direction, allocation, and usage of financial resources

  • Financial reporting
    Prompt up-to-date financial reporting
  • Information support
    Information support for business on budget planning and financial control
According to valuable experiences is structuring of international M&A deals, creating of Private and Open Investment Funds we would be pleased to create transparent (according to management and AML demands) and flexible (according to rapidly changing environment) business structure which would be reliable basement for growth of your business.
Financial broker
Capital is just as important detail of basement for successful project as creative idea and energy of founders. Wide network of investors and reliable expertise in projects estimate give us opportunity help your project to obtain necessary financial resources for successful development.
Contact us
Opportunity Initiative Transparency Operativeness
Email: contact@oitoconsult.com

Phone / WhatsApp / Telegram:
+971 56 159-88-78
+7 (960) 268-88-80
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